UFuture is a Ukrainian company with a portfolio of assets in real estate, infrastructure, industry, renewable energy, pharmaceuticals, and IT.
The UFuture logo consists of a graphic representation – the abbreviation UFUTURE in a custom font and Symbol (Mark). For better perception, the logo is executed in a concise and minimalist style. The dark, deep gray lettering of the name and descriptor is nicely accentuated with the Symbol, which incorporates the letter U.
The color palette plays an important role in brand perception. It consists of two colors – sea wave and dark gray. The sea wave color symbolizes innovation, openness to new ideas. The gray color represents reliability, consistency.
Корпоративний слоган UFUTURE PARTNER TOMORROW – відображає те, що компанія є успішною та стабільною але при цьому дивиться в майбутнє та інвестує в нові проекти “майбутнього”.
These additional elements are used in business documentation and advertising materials as additional visual accents.